Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Gingerbread Man Retell

The Gingerbread Man

(Retold By Room 9)
(This is a story the children created 
during a "Shared Writing" session)

Once upon a time there was a little old man and a little old woman.  They were so hungry they decided to make a gingerbread man. 

They put in lots of ingredients to make the gingerbread.  They mixed and they stirred.  They rolled the dough out and cut out a shape of a giant gingerbread man. 

They decorated him with 2 raisins for the eyes, a cherry for the nose and orange rind for the smiley mouth. 

Next they put it into the oven to cook.  When the Gingerbread man was cooked the oven buzzer rang.  The old woman opened the door and the gingerbread man jumped out and ran out the door. 

The old woman and man said, ”Stop, stop, we are hungry.” The Gingerbread man said, “run, run as fast as you can.  You can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread man!” 

The Gingerbread Man kept running and the old woman and old man followed close behind. 

He ran past a fluffy white hamster and a beautiful rainbow unicorn.  ”Stop, stop, we are hungry,” they said.
The Gingerbread man said, “run, run as fast as you can.  You can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread man!” 

The Gingerbread Man kept running with the old man, the old woman, the unicorn and hamster running close behind.

Next he ran past an electric ghost and Hulk. “Ooooooooooo…..Hulk Smash…
Stop, stop, we are hungry,” they said.
The Gingerbread man said, “run, run as fast as you can.  You can’t catch me I’m the Gingerbread man!” 

The Gingerbread Man kept running with the old man, old woman, the unicorn, hamster, Hulk and the ghost running close behind.

Finally the Gingerbread Man came to a ginormous fast river. He was wondering how he would cross to get away from his followers.

He came across an evil eel.  “Do you want some help?” he asked in an evil voice. “Yes please, if you could just get me across this fast river I would be very thankful.” said the Gingerbread Man.

“Quick, jump on to my tail and I will get you safely across, “ said the eel.  The Gingerbread man said “thanks” and jumped quickly onto the eel’s great tail. 

They swam across part of the river and the Gingerbread man said, “ Help, help, my toes are getting wet”.  “Oh dear” said the eel.  “Just climb up onto my head and you will be safe there”.
“Thanks very much,” said the Gingerbread Man. 

The eel swam further across the fast river. “ Help, help my feet are getting wet” said the Gingerbread man.” Climb up on to my nose,” said the eel.
The Gingerbread Man said, “okay, thank you”.

As the Gingerbread Man climbed up on to the tip of the eel’s nose the evil eel flipped over as quick-as-lightening and gobbled him up and licked his lips. 

“No, thank you….” said the evil eel, as he swam off down the river with a full tummy.


Come into Room 9 and check out the illustrations that go with this story!

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